OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
OSPF merupakan sebuah routing protokol berjenis IGP yang hanya dapat bekerja dalamjaringan internal suatu ogranisasi atau perusahaan. Jaringan internal maksudnya adalah jaringan di
mana Anda masih memiliki hak untuk menggunakan, mengatur, dan memodifikasinya. Atau dengan
kata lain, Anda masih memiliki hak administrasi terhadap jaringan tersebut. Jika Anda sudah tidak
memiliki hak untuk menggunakan dan mengaturnya, maka jaringan tersebut dapat dikategorikan
sebagai jaringan eksternal.
Selain itu, OSPF juga merupakan routing protokol yang berstandar terbuka. Maksudnya
adalah routing protokol ini bukan ciptaan dari vendor manapun. Dengan demikian, siapapun dapat
menggunakannya, perangkat manapun dapat kompatibel dengannya, dan di manapun routing
protokol ini dapat diimplementasikan. OSPF merupakan routing protokol yang menggunakan konsep
hirarki routing, artinya OSPF membagi-bagi jaringan menjadi beberapa tingkatan. Tingkatantingkatan
ini diwujudkan dengan menggunakan sistem pengelompokan area.
Dengan menggunakan konsep hirarki routing ini sistem penyebaran informasinya menjadi lebih
teratur dan tersegmentasi, tidak menyebar ke sana ke mari dengan sembarangan. Efek dari
keteraturan distribusi routing ini adalah jaringan yang penggunaan bandwidth-nya lebih efisien, lebih
cepat mencapai konvergensi, dan lebih presisi dalam menentukan rute-rute terbaik menuju ke
sebuah lokasi. OSPF merupakan salah satu routing protokol yang selalu berusaha untuk bekerja
Teknologi yang digunakan oleh routing protokol ini adalah teknologi linkstate yang memang
didesain untuk bekerja dengan sangat efisien dalam proses pengiriman update informasi rute. Hal ini
membuat routing protokol OSPF menjadi sangat cocok untuk terus dikembangkan menjadi network
berskala besar. Pengguna OSPF biasanya adalah para administrator jaringan berskala sedang sampai
besar. Jaringan dengan jumlah router lebih dari sepuluh buah, dengan banyak lokasi-lokasi remote
yang perlu juga dijangkau dari pusat, dengan jumlah pengguna jaringan lebih dari lima ratus
perangkat komputer, mungkin sudah layak menggunakan routing protocol ini.
Cara OSPF Membentuk Hubungan dengan Router Lain
Untuk memulai semua aktivitas OSPF dalam menjalankan pertukaran informasi routing, hal
pertama yang harus dilakukannya adalah membentuk sebuah komunikasi dengan para router lain.
Router lain yang berhubungan langsung atau yang berada di dalam satu jaringan dengan router OSPF
tersebut disebut dengan neighbour router atau router tetangga. Langkah pertama yang harus
dilakukan sebuah router OSPF adalah harus membentuk hubungan dengan neighbor router. Router
OSPF mempunyai sebuah mekanisme untuk dapat menemukan router tetangganya dan dapat
membuka hubungan. Mekanisme tersebut disebut dengan istilah Hello protocol.
Dalam membentuk hubungan dengan tetangganya, router OSPF akan mengirimkan sebuah
paket berukuran kecil secara periodik ke dalam jaringan atau ke sebuah perangkat yang terhubung
langsung dengannya. Paket kecil tersebut dinamai dengan istilah Hello packet. Pada kondisi standar,
Hello packet dikirimkan berkala setiap 10 detik sekali (dalam media broadcast multiaccess) dan 30
detik sekali dalam media Point-to-Point. Hello packet berisikan informasi seputar pernak-pernik yang
ada pada router pengirim. Hello packet pada umumnya dikirim dengan menggunakan multicast
address untuk menuju ke semua router yang menjalankan OSPF (IP multicast Semua
router yang menjalankan OSPF pasti akan mendengarkan protocol hello ini dan juga akan
mengirimkan hello packet-nya secara berkala. Cara kerja dari Hello protocol dan pembentukan
neighbour router terdiri dari beberapa jenis, tergantung dari jenis media di mana router OSPF
JKT(config)#router ospf 1
JKT(config-router)#network area 0 --> menambahkan ospf route, ip network, wildcat ( - subnetmask) area 0
In addition, OSPF also an open-standard routing protocols. The point is this is not the creation of routing protocols from any vendor. Thus, anyone can use it, any device can be compatible with it, and in any routing protocol can be implemented. OSPF is a routing protocol that uses the concept of hierarchical routing, OSPF means to divide the network into several levels. The levels is realized by using a system of grouping area.
By using the concept of hierarchical routing information dissemination systems become more organized and segmented, not spread to and fro in vain. Effects of regularity distribution network routing is the use of its bandwidth more efficiently, more quickly reach convergence, and greater precision in determining the best route to these to a location. OSPF is a routing protocol that is always trying to work that way.
The technology used by routing protocols are linkstate technology that is designed to work with highly efficient in the process of updating the delivery route information. This makes the OSPF routing protocol becomes very suitable to be developed into a network of large-scale. User OSPF network administrators usually are medium-sized to large. Network with a router number more than ten pieces, with many remote locations that need also to reach from the center, the number of network users more than five hundred computers, it may be feasible to use this routing protocol.
How to Establish a relationship with Router OSPF Other
To begin all activity in the running OSPF routing information exchange, first to do is establish a communication with the other routers.
Any other router connected directly or inside the network with OSPF router is called the neighbor router or a neighboring router. The first step should be an OSPF router is need to form a relationship with the neighbor router. Router OSPF has a mechanism to be able to find neighboring routers and can open relationship. The mechanism is called the Hello protocol.
In forming relationships with neighboring OSPF router will send a small packet periodically to the network or to a device that is connected directly to him. Small packages are named Hello packet. In standard conditions, Hello packets are sent periodically every 10 seconds (in a multiaccess broadcast media) and 30 seconds on the media Point-to-Point. Hello packet contains information about the trinkets that exist on the sending router. Hello packets are generally transmitted by using a multicast
address to go to all the routers are running OSPF (multicast IP All routers are running OSPF hello protocol would have to listen to this and also will send its hello packet periodically. The workings of the Hello protocol and the establishment of neighbor routers consists of several types, depending on the type of media in which the OSPF router running.
JKT(config)#router ospf 1
JKT(config-router)#network area 0 --> added ospf route, ip network, wildcat ( - subnetmask) area 0
JKT(config-router)#network area 0 --> menambahkan ospf route, ip network, wildcat ( - subnetmask) area 0
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
routing protocol OSPF is an IGP manifold which can only work within the internal network of a ogranisasi or company. The internal network is a network point where you still have the right to use, manage, and modify it. Or in other words, you still have administrative rights on the network. If you not have the right to use and set it up, then the network can be categorized as an external network.In addition, OSPF also an open-standard routing protocols. The point is this is not the creation of routing protocols from any vendor. Thus, anyone can use it, any device can be compatible with it, and in any routing protocol can be implemented. OSPF is a routing protocol that uses the concept of hierarchical routing, OSPF means to divide the network into several levels. The levels is realized by using a system of grouping area.
By using the concept of hierarchical routing information dissemination systems become more organized and segmented, not spread to and fro in vain. Effects of regularity distribution network routing is the use of its bandwidth more efficiently, more quickly reach convergence, and greater precision in determining the best route to these to a location. OSPF is a routing protocol that is always trying to work that way.
The technology used by routing protocols are linkstate technology that is designed to work with highly efficient in the process of updating the delivery route information. This makes the OSPF routing protocol becomes very suitable to be developed into a network of large-scale. User OSPF network administrators usually are medium-sized to large. Network with a router number more than ten pieces, with many remote locations that need also to reach from the center, the number of network users more than five hundred computers, it may be feasible to use this routing protocol.
How to Establish a relationship with Router OSPF Other
To begin all activity in the running OSPF routing information exchange, first to do is establish a communication with the other routers.
Any other router connected directly or inside the network with OSPF router is called the neighbor router or a neighboring router. The first step should be an OSPF router is need to form a relationship with the neighbor router. Router OSPF has a mechanism to be able to find neighboring routers and can open relationship. The mechanism is called the Hello protocol.
In forming relationships with neighboring OSPF router will send a small packet periodically to the network or to a device that is connected directly to him. Small packages are named Hello packet. In standard conditions, Hello packets are sent periodically every 10 seconds (in a multiaccess broadcast media) and 30 seconds on the media Point-to-Point. Hello packet contains information about the trinkets that exist on the sending router. Hello packets are generally transmitted by using a multicast
address to go to all the routers are running OSPF (multicast IP All routers are running OSPF hello protocol would have to listen to this and also will send its hello packet periodically. The workings of the Hello protocol and the establishment of neighbor routers consists of several types, depending on the type of media in which the OSPF router running.
JKT(config)#router ospf 1
JKT(config-router)#network area 0 --> added ospf route, ip network, wildcat ( - subnetmask) area 0
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