Routing RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
RIP adalah protokol routing dinamik yang berbasis distance vector. RIP menggunakan protokol UDPpada port 520 untuk mengirimkan informasi routing antar router. RIP menghitung routing terbaik
berdasarkan perhitungan HOP. RIP membutuhkan waktu untuk melakukan converge. RIP
membutuhkan power CPU yang rendah dan memory yang kecil daripada protokol yang lainnya.
Merupakan protocol routing yang digunakan secara luas di Internet.
Memanfaatkan broadcast address untuk distribusi informasi routing.
Menentukan rute terbaik dengan “hop count” terkecil.
Update routing dilakukan secara terus menerus.
Karakteristik RIP
Menggunakan algoritma distance-vector (Bellman Ford).
Dapat menyebabkan routing loop.
Diameter jaringan terbatas.
Lambat mengetahui perubahan jaringan.
Menggunakan metrik tunggal.
Keterbatasan RIP
Metric : Hop Count
RIP menghitung routing terbaik berdasarkan hop count dimana belum tentu hop count yang rendah menggunakan protokol LAN yang bagus, dan bisa saja RIP memilih jalur jaringan yang lambat.
Hop Count Limit
RIP tidak dapat mengatur hop lebih dari 15. hal ini digunakan untuk mencegah loop pada
Classful Routing Only
RIP menggunakan classful routing ( /8, /16, /24 ). RIP tidak dapat mengatur classless routing.
Cara Kerja RIP
Host mendengar pada alamat broadcast jika ada update routing dari gateway.
Host akan memeriksa terlebih dahulu routing table lokal jika menerima update routing . Jika
rute belum ada, informasi segera dimasukkan ke routing table .
Jika rute sudah ada, metric yang terkecil akan diambil sebagai acuan.
Rute melalui suatu gateway akan dihapus jika tidak ada update dari gateway tersebut
dalam waktu tertentu.
Khusus untuk gateway, RIP akan mengirimkan update routing pada alamat broadcast di
setiap network yang terhubung
(config)#router rip --> Konfigurasi Routing RIP
Routing RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
RIP is a dynamic routing protocol based on distance vector. RIP uses the UDP protocolon port 520 to send routing information between routers. RIP calculates the best routing
based on the calculation of HOP. RIP takes time to converge.
RIP require low power CPU and memory are smaller than the other protocols.
It is the routing protocol that is widely used on the Internet.
Utilizing the broadcast address for the distribution of routing information.
Determining the best route to the smallest "hop count".
Routing Update was working continuously.
RIP Characteristics
Using distance-vector algorithm (Bellman Ford).
May cause routing loops.
The diameter of the network is limited.
Slow determine changes in the network.
Using a single metric.
RIP Limitations
Metric: Hop Count
RIP calculates the best routing based on hop count which is not necessarily a smallest hop count
are good or not, and RIP can be choose the path of a slow network.
Hop Count Limit
RIP can not adjust the hop over 15. This case is used to prevent loops in the network.
Classful Routing Only
RIP uses classful routing (/ 8, / 16 , / 24). RIP can not set up a classless routing.
How it Works RIP
hosts heard on the broadcast address of routing updates from the gateway.
The host will first check the local routing table if it receives a routing update. If these do not exist, the information immediately inserted into the routing table.
If the route already exists, the smallest metric will be taken as a reference.
The route through a gateway will be removed if there is no update of the gateway within a certain time.
Especially for the gateway, RIP will send updates routing on broadcast address on each network are connected
(config)#router rip --> Configure Routing RIP
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